Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nine Long Beach Residents Win Brand New, Water Efficient Landscape

Nine Long Beach residents have been selected as the winners of the Long Beach Water Department's citywide water-efficient landscape opportunity drawing. Long Beach City Councilmembers randomly selected the winning home in their District at the regularly scheduled Council meeting held Tuesday, December 2nd.

The nine winners will receive a brand new, water-efficient front yard, professionally designed and installed, and paid for by the Long Beach Water Department. Over 1,700 residents entered the drawing via the Long Beach Water Department's website.

50 to 70% of all the water we use in Long Beach is used outside, primarily on our lush, non-native, thirsty landscapes. The best way to conserve vast amounts of water is through water-efficient landscape and irrigation methods, demonstrated through initiatives like this opportunity drawing.

1 comment:

joe geever said...

Congratulations to the drawing winners. I did this in my yard and the garden is beautiful and fun -- lots of birds, hummingbirds, butterflies that were never there before. I also put in features that capture all the run-off from my raingutters and driveway. So, now you too are helping to end pollution at our beach. What I found out lately is that delivering water to our homes takes a lot of energy. So, now we're even helping to curb climate change. Who knew making your garden more beautiful could have so many environmental benefits?