Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Want to report that person who seems to be unaware that southern California's water supply reserves are rapidly being depleted? Here's how.

Everyone has seen a water waster. Whether living next door, down the street or a colleague at work, water wasters are everywhere. In fact, all of us waste water on occassion. The only way we are going to create a permanent lifestyle change in the way people think about and use our precious water supplies is to make inefficient and wasteful uses of water socially unacceptable. Hosing down paved areas, overwatering lawns and landscaped areas, and watering in the middle of the day, in full sun, should be as socially unacceptable in southern California as lighting up a cigarette in a crowded room. You can help help make this change!

If you see someone or something using excessive amounts of water or violating any of the City's prohibited uses of water, there are two ways you can help educate that person or entinty on the immediate need to conserve water and the City's new prohibitions...chances are, these people have not been made aware.

1. You can email us at In your email, you may list the address, date, and approximate time of the violation. Please give us a detailed accounting of the violation.

2. You can also visit, and submit an online water waster report, including address, date, approximate time and type of violation.

When the Water Department receives a report, we immediately send a letter to the account holder of the address reported. The letter simply informs that account holder that certain uses of water are now prohibited do to extraordinary water supply conditions. The letter also invites that account holder to contact the Department with any questions they may have.

Thank you for your continued support.

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